Countries: Falkland Islands

Scholarships are available to residents of Alberta and are intended to assist any person who has been away from formal education and wishes to further their education and/or any student who is continuing their education.

Category Canyoning

Made possible by the generous support and fundraising efforts of BASAA, the Boston Area Study Abroad Association, a network of study abroad professionals based in and around the Boston area that meet regularly to discuss current issues in the study abroad ...

Category Canyoning

The Foundation supports undergraduate college/ university Silver or Gold Award Girl Scouts who plan to study abroad, irrespective of major/minor.

Category Canyoning

Semester at Sea is committed to offering unique service opportunities while sailing on a voyage. As such, the IMPACT scholarship has been established to recognize students demonstrating a commitment to service in their community and home institution and a ...

Category Canyoning

What distinguishes the Trudeau Doctoral Scholarship? The Trudeau Scholarship is the most prestigious of its type in Canada. Its annual value is up to $60,000 per Scholar for a maximum of three years. In addition to generous financial support, it also incl ...

Category Canyoning

The $20,000 SOM Travel Fellowship offers an applicant the opportunity to expand their professional education beyond the classroom through the observation of buildings, design, culture and history that can only be achieved through travel.

Category Canyoning

We are a website focused on providing great homestay experiences at wallet friendly prices. Homestays are a perfect accommodation option for students/interns travelling abroad for longer periods. Our hosts will help the guest settle into their new destina ...

Category Homestay

Since 2007 StudyPortals has helped millions of students around the world to find and compare their dream education. With a dedicated Scholarship, they now also help to cover a significant part of the costs related to study abroad ambitions - helping even ...

Category Canyoning

The Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships program provides funding to the very best postdoctoral applicants, both nationally and internationally, who will positively contribute to the country's economic, social and research-based growth. The objective of the ...

Category Canyoning

API is pleased to support students who are the first in their families to attend a college or university.

Category Canyoning

Boren Fellowships provide unique funding opportunities for U.S. graduate students to study less commonly taught languages in world regions critical to U.S. interests, and underrepresented in study abroad, including Africa, Asia, Central and Eastern Europe ...

Category Canyoning

The Education Abroad Individual Award encourages continuing UAlberta undergraduate and graduate students to undertake an education abroad experience; allows students to choose from a wide variety of education abroad programs, both in type (e.g., exchange/ ...

Category Canyoning

Women make up nearly 50 percent of the global workforce; however, gender equality is not yet a reality in senior management and corporate boardrooms around the world. According to a 2014 Catalyst Census[1], women hold only 4.2 percent of the CEO positions ...

Category Canyoning

This foreign study supplements program is available to Canadian citizens or permanent residents who hold a Joseph-Armand Bombardier, an Alexander Graham Bell, or a Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarship (CGS) at the master’s or doc ...

Category Canyoning

The NSERC Postgraduate Scholarships-Doctoral Program (PGS D) provides financial support to high calibre scholars who are engaged in a doctoral program in the natural sciences or engineering. This support allows these scholars to fully concentrate on their ...

Category Canyoning

The Steve Reifenberg Fellowship is intended to encourage graduating seniors to engage in a transformative international experience in the area of social or environmental development. The post-graduation fellowship opportunity in Latin America will contrib ...

Category Canyoning

Made possible by the generous support and fundraising efforts of international educators working in Texas.

Category Canyoning

To provide support for the development of a qualified Aboriginal work force in Cold Lake and the surrounding area.

Category Canyoning

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