Countries: Gabon

Since 2007 StudyPortals has helped millions of students around the world to find and compare their dream education. With a dedicated Scholarship, they now also help to cover a significant part of the costs related to study abroad ambitions - helping even ...

Category Canyoning

The SOM Prize is a research and travel fellowship that enables one outstanding applicant the opportunity to travel in connection with carrying out in-depth research on a subject of their choosing; to meet with other professionals in the field; and to purs ...

Category Canyoning

The Omprakash Ambassador Travel Grant supports travel and living expenses for qualified, energetic, and entrepreneurial individuals who want to volunteer abroad within their international network of grassroots health, education, and environmental Partner ...

Category Canyoning

The Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarships-Doctoral Program provides financial support to high calibre scholars who are engaged in a doctoral program in the natural sciences or engineering. The CGS D will be offered to the top-ranked applicant ...

Category Canyoning

CIEE offers 14 types of scholarships to recognize academic achievement and enable international education. Awards are made based on personal statements from student applicants.

Category Canyoning

CIEE offers 14 types of scholarships to recognize academic achievement and enable international education. Awards are made based on personal statements from student applicants.

Category Canyoning

Celebrating the success of post-secondary students by awarding scholarships is just one way that the Foundation aims to foster the growth of leaders, inspire the next generation, cultivate philanthropy and volunteerism, and ultimately, to ensure the healt ...

Category Canyoning

Phi Kappa Phi Study Abroad Grants are designed to help support undergraduates as they seek knowledge and experience in their academic fields by studying abroad.

Category Canyoning

This undergraduate scholarship honors George Minor for his long and dedicated service to the AACCI Milling and Baking Division and the industry.

Category Canyoning

The Amelia Earhart Fellowship is awarded annually to women pursuing Ph.D./doctoral degrees in aerospace-related sciences and aerospace-related engineering. The Amelia Earhart Fellowship program helps talented women, pursuing advanced studies in the typic ...

Category Canyoning

CIEE offers three types of scholarships to make study abroad affordable for students who face financial and social hurdles. Awards are made based on personal statements from student applicants and financial need.

Category Canyoning

The purpose of the awards is to recognize excellence and achievement by a Treaty First Nations person and to encourage and assist Treaty First Nations people in the pursuit of post-secondary education studies in Business, Finance or Economics.

Category Canyoning

May be awarded to Canadian Indigenous persons enrolled in an accredited institution at the graduate level (Masters and PhD only) who wish to study outside of Canada.

Category Canyoning

Every year, NWAC coordinates the Helen Bassett Commemorative Award granted to four young Aboriginal women and made possible by the generous donation of Helen Bassett. Helen Bassett was an Ontario artist and an amazing woman who tried to make a difference ...

Category Canyoning

The Gilman Scholarship Program aims to diversify the kinds of students who study and intern abroad and the countries and regions where they go by offering awards to U.S. undergraduates who might otherwise not participate due to financial constraints.

Category Canyoning

Go Volunteer Africa coordinates placement of international volunteers who are committed to social development and who seek to learn and contribute by working as part of community initiated projects in developing countries in Africa. Go Volunteer Africa s ...

Category Safaris

The fellowship will help fund a proposal designed by the applicant to conduct brief work in a foreign country related to the mandate of UNESCO – using education, natural sciences, social and human sciences, culture, and/or communication and information to ...

Category Canyoning

The Alexia Foundation offers production grants to students and professional photographers to give them the financial ability to produce substantial stories that drive change in the effort to make the world a better place. Students also get scholarship opp ...

Category Canyoning

Diversity Abroad, in cooperation with the AIFS Foundation, will offer five scholarships for each fall and spring semester.

Category Canyoning

The fellowships are being given to enhance the role of women in devising scientific solutions to problems confronting humankind in the 21st century. If you are a successful recipient of the L'Oréal Canada For Women in Science Research Excellence Fellowsh ...

Category Canyoning

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