This scholarship is available once per year to a deserving student majoring in Journalism.
The Irving K. Barber British Columbia Scholarship Society, in partnership with the Victoria Foundation, hosts a suite of international scholarships designed to support students from BC in studying abroad. Successful applicants must clearly demonstrate aca ...
Since 2007 StudyPortals has helped millions of students around the world to find and compare their dream education. With a dedicated Scholarship, they now also help to cover a significant part of the costs related to study abroad ambitions - helping even ...
Made possible by the generous support and fundraising efforts of international educators working in Minnesota.
Made possible by the generous support and fundraising efforts of international educators at PDX Abroad, a community of innovators advancing the field of education abroad through active engagement across institutional and organizational boundaries.
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Verge believes in travel for change. International experience creates global citizens, who can change our planet for the better. This belief is at the core of everything we do.