Countries: Benin

Boren Fellowships provide unique funding opportunities for U.S. graduate students to study less commonly taught languages in world regions critical to U.S. interests, and underrepresented in study abroad, including Africa, Asia, Central and Eastern Europe ...

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ACDI/VOCA has over 40 years of experience sending professionals overseas as volunteer consultants providing technical assistance with field projects in agribusiness, enterprise development, community development, food security and financial services.

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The Fellowship for International Development Reporting encourages journalists to push the boundaries of daily foreign coverage – which is often focused on disaster or crisis – and set new standards for reporting on the developing world. Fellowship recipie ...

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Made possible by the generous support and fundraising efforts of BASAA, the Boston Area Study Abroad Association, a network of study abroad professionals based in and around the Boston area that meet regularly to discuss current issues in the study abroad ...

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According to Women in Aerospace, in 2010, roughly 10 percent of the aerospace industry was made up of women. While the number has slowly increased, there must be reinforcements behind each step forward. To assist the future of women in this field and othe ...

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The Irving K. Barber British Columbia Scholarship Society, in partnership with the Victoria Foundation, hosts a suite of international scholarships designed to support students from BC in studying abroad. Successful applicants must clearly demonstrate aca ...

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This fund provides one scholarship, annually, for study abroad experiences through accredited, post high school, educational institutions.

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The purpose of the scholarship program is to encourage academic excellence and the pursuit of higher education among students who are directly affected by Multiple Sclerosis (MS); provide the path and framework for scholarship recipients to become the MS ...

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This fellowship, established in 1952, honours Margaret McWilliams, first CFUW President (1919-1923), who dedicated her life to furthering the status of women through improved access to higher education and the active involvement of women in public life.

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The Council of American Overseas Research Centers Multi-Country Research Fellowship Program supports advanced regional or trans-regional research in the humanities, social sciences, or allied natural sciences for U.S. doctoral candidates and scholars who ...

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The Doctoral Foreign Study Award (DFSA) provides special recognition and support to students who are pursuing a doctoral degree in a health-related field abroad. Candidates apply to the CIHR Doctoral Research Awards competition and top-ranked candidates a ...

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The Open Society Fellowship supports individuals seeking innovative and unconventional approaches to fundamental open society challenges. The fellowship funds work that will enrich public understanding of those challenges and stimulate far-reaching and pr ...

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The fellowship will help fund a proposal designed by the applicant to conduct brief work in a foreign country related to the mandate of UNESCO – using education, natural sciences, social and human sciences, culture, and/or communication and information to ...

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CIEE offers 14 types of scholarships to recognize academic achievement and enable international education. Awards are made based on personal statements from student applicants.

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The Omprakash Ambassador Travel Grant supports travel and living expenses for qualified, energetic, and entrepreneurial individuals who want to volunteer abroad within our international network of grassroots health, education, and environmental Partner or ...

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Awarded to University of Alberta students to assist with the costs of travel for a formal international academic exchange program.

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The Nexen Oil Sands Scholarship ensures students in Anzac and surrounding areas can share in the success of our Long Lake operations. The scholarship provides financial support to high school graduates pursuing post-secondary education and skills training ...

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The Loy McCandless Marks Scholarship Fund was established by the Elizabeth L. Marks Trust. Her trust provided funding “for the establishment of a scholarship fund, the income from which shall be awarded to well-qualified science majors specializing in tro ...

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The purpose of the award is to recognize excellence and achievement by a Treaty First Nations person, and to encourage and assist Treaty First Nations people in the pursuit of post-secondary education studies in one/both of the following areas: Law and/or ...

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