Countries: United Kingdom

The purpose of the scholarship program is to encourage and assist Sahtu beneficiaries to pursue undergraduate post-secondary studies in disciplines relevant to the petroleum industry and the Norman Wells operations.

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The Alexia Foundation offers production grants to students and professional photographers to give them the financial ability to produce substantial stories that drive change in the effort to make the world a better place. Students also get scholarship opp ...

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Study Abroad Europe has partnered with the Institute of International Education (IIE) on Generation Study Abroad, a five-year initiative that brings leaders in education, business and governments together to double the number of U.S. college students stud ...

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The ATCO Pipelines Indigenous Educational Awards Program is aimed at supporting Indigenous students from First Nations and Métis communities in close proximity to our facilities.

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The NSERC Postgraduate Scholarships-Doctoral Program (PGS D) provides financial support to high calibre scholars who are engaged in a doctoral program in the natural sciences or engineering. This support allows these scholars to fully concentrate on their ...

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This fellowship, established in 1952, honours Margaret McWilliams, first CFUW President (1919-1923), who dedicated her life to furthering the status of women through improved access to higher education and the active involvement of women in public life.

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In recognition of the important investment that overseas students are making in their education, Queen Mary are pleased to offer International Science and Engineering Excellence Awards. The awards are designed to reward academic excellence and help attrac ...

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The Irving K. Barber British Columbia Scholarship Society, in partnership with the Victoria Foundation, hosts a suite of international scholarships designed to support students from BC in studying abroad. Successful applicants must clearly demonstrate aca ...

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The Vera Isaacs Schwartz Endowed Fund has been established by Alan and Ronnie Schwartz in loving tribute to Alan’s mother. Alan is a current member of the IES Abroad Board of Directors and he has established this fund to honor his mother Vera and her com ...

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Celebrating the success of post-secondary students by awarding scholarships is just one way that the Foundation aims to foster the growth of leaders, inspire the next generation, cultivate philanthropy and volunteerism, and ultimately, to ensure the healt ...

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The Centenary Award was first launched by the NFU Mutual Charitable Trust in 2010 to celebrate NFU Mutual’s 100th birthday, and to date 26 students have benefited from bursary payments to help fund their studies.

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The Canadian Centennial Scholarship Fund (CCSF) provides awards ranging from £1,000 to £5,000 to Canadian men and women for academic and artistic postgraduate study in the UK.

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Awarded to 2nd, 3rd or 4th year undergraduate student registered in a University of Alberta degree program who wishes to study at a UAlberta exchange partner institution in England.

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The University of Westminster is one of the few universities in the UK to offer full scholarships to postgraduate students and in 2015/16 we awarded scholarships to students from over 50 countries across the world.

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LSE is pleased to announce two scholarships for students accepted to the one year General Course study programme.

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The scholarship that empowers student mobility; every student in the world can participate!

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Ms. Diamond created the Kathleen Kervin Diamond Endowed Scholarship because she felt privileged to have had a year abroad, studying and learning language and culture. Ms. Diamond feels strongly that students today, no matter their financial circumstances, ...

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HACU, the Hispanic Association of Colleges & Universities, has partnered with Global Semesters in an effort to increase the number of Hispanic students engaged in study abroad. Over the next ten years, the goal of our far-reaching partnership, the Hispani ...

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Advanced training in European art history requires direct exposure to the object of study, prolonged access to key information resources such as libraries and photographic archives, the development of professional relationships with colleagues abroad, and ...

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