Murielle Double, Lareine Mouoguia and Tish Mason are taking on the national leadership of ATD Fourth World. In this article, they introduce themselves.
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In this new video, Amina, Sue and Lareine explain what they value about ATD’s Family Well-Being Days.
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About 90 people took part in this seminar about how participation by peer-to-peer advocates can improve children’s and family services.
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“Those days are the best days!” say residents of a hotel who are invited to ATD for outings that include full use of our kitchen.
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“Everyone needs to use words that don’t dehumanise and degrade people. But how do you communicate with people who just don’t hear you?”
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Because the experience of poverty often leaves no time to rest and take time for oneself, ATD offers “pampering sessions”, which are therapeutic practices rooted (…)
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People in poverty describe financial insecurity as “a spider’s web, almost impossible to get out of” — but about ATD’s well-being activities, they say ‘Your (…)
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Murielle Double, Lareine Mouoguia and Tish Mason are taking on the national leadership of ATD Fourth World. In this article, they introduce themselves.
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