Transform yourself and the planet in 2025. Use code SUMMER400 when booking a new expedition to get $400 off!*
Our 2025 Expedition Guide is out now. Check out 2025 dates, stories from the field, and scientific impact. Join us on an expedition to change the world yourself!
Earthwatch is an international environmental nonprofit founded in 1971
Earthwatch connects people with scientists to conserve our planet. Our expeditions put you at the center of research and conservation worldwide. Are you ready to experience nature as you help protect it?
Look good while doing good!
The profits from your Earthwatch gear purchases directly support environmental science!

Experience a blend of volunteering and adventure! Choose from more than 20 expeditions worldwide for solo travelers, teens, adults, students, and groups.

Scientific Research
Support research that responds to global challenges—from climate change to human-wildlife coexistence to sustainability—while engaging local communities.

With programs for teachers, students, and school groups, discover what makes Earthwatch a leader in the field of experiential education.

Join our team of partners committed to sustainability, including corporations, foundations, nonprofit organizations, schools, and universities.
Be more than a tourist
Experience hands-on science in some of the world's most astounding locations. Meet a community of eco-conscious travelers and return home with stories filled with adventure.

Earthwatch depends on donations—above and beyond what we raise from volunteers who participate in our expeditions—to deliver our global conservation mission. In fact, volunteer contributions provide only half of the total resources Earthwatch needs to sustain over 20 global field research expeditions, a wide variety of educational programs, corporate sustainability trainings, and more each year.