Media & Communications

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Study Australia, LLC offers courses at 19 highly reputable universities in Australia and New Zealand, Study Australia gives students the opportunity to study courses in their major or take electives in areas of interest to them. Semester, full year, summe ...

These internships take place in the UNOV Linguistic and Library Support Unit. The Unit provides referencing and terminology services to CMS and other United Nations entities in Vienna. It also provides library support for all United Nations units in Vienn ...

The Young Professionals Programme in Media (YPM), sponsored by Aga Khan Foundation Canada (AKFC) in collaboration with the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), is designed to develop leadership and management skills and promote learning for o ...

UNAIDS grants internships to selected post-secondary students to allow them to participate in the work of UNAIDS and to enable them to deepen their knowledge and understanding of UNAIDS' goals, policies and activities. UNAIDS only proposes internship oppo ...

The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) offers various unpaid Work Experience Placements throughout the year. British and overseas applicants are welcome to apply. Applicants should have a passion for and knowledge of the placement area.

JobMonkey is a job board for seasonal workers to find jobs around the world. They are the summer, seasonal & year-round employment experts!

At Richard Lewis Communications, positions often arise for teachers and business professionals interested in the field of language communications and cross-culture. Richard Lewis Communications is always interested in hearing from experienced teachers and ...

Connect-123 facilitates international internship and volunteer positions, linking students and graduates with hands-on learning opportunities in Argentina, China, Ireland, South Africa and Spain for personal and career development. We work across a wide r ...

The United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) accepts a limited number of unpaid interns on an ad hoc basis. The objective of the internship programme is to enhance the educational experience of graduate and post-graduate ...

The Internship Programme is geared towards providing offices at the ICTR with the assistance of students and professionals specializing in fields relevant to the work of the Tribunal, such as international relations, law, economics, political science, phi ...

Rural Community Development Programme Nepal's (RCDP-Nepal) internship programme is a work or study opportunity which provides the participants with some practical experience and the opportunity to gain exposure to their area of academic or career interest ...

Experiential Learning International (ELI) partners with local organizations to provide international internships in various fields including education, conservation, health care, law, business, media/communications, development and humanitarian work. Inte ...

The work undertaken by interns depends on the requirements of the unit/office, and the intern's qualifications and interests. Most interns work on a project which will benefit both them and UNHCR, in fields such as refugee protection (legal), internationa ...

The Schulich International MBA offers students, Canadian and non-Canadian, the opportunity to have a global vision and international perspective. The twenty-month program, which commences each Fall term, includes: a work term, study abroad term, internati ...

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