Central America / Caribbean: Articles, Programs, Blogs, Travel Resources

It's the most-studied tropical forest in the world. Here's why and how you can get involved.
Elizabeth wonders how her research is affecting the community that she is trying to support.
Elizabeth travels on the Avenida Domingo Diaz, under the Transistimica, through the Supermercado Rey and all the way to Gamboa.
How chocolate farmers are conserving Nicaragua’s rainforests.
Think that immunizations are a tough trip preparation process? Try memorizing insects.
Trina removed the iconic maple leaf from her backpack. Here, she explains why.
SMU's International Development Studies department  offers a unique opportunity to explore the complex challenges faced by vulnerable Caribbean states and the innovative ways they are developing to meet those challenges.
Support wildlife conservation efforts in Costa Rica as a Greenheart Travel volunteer and help to give endangered, injured and abandoned animals a safe home for rehabilitation.
Trina visits a market in Guatemala and makes a surprising discovery.
The first in our new series of videos exploring international careers, and ways to make a living from your passion.  Meet Mark Rogers, who runs the only freediving operation in the Caribbean.
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