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Nepal is a tiny country in the Himalayas squeezed between China to the north and India to the south. It is home to the world's highest peak, Mount Everest, and has long been the destination of choice for outdoor adventure travel.
Taking a "gap year", or year off, is standard in much of the world. The idea of a year off is just starting to catch on in Canada, and there are thousands of ways to to get out and go...
Many years ago, a good friend of mine who was then in his second year of med. school, organized a term working in a small rural medical clinic in Kenya. 
Long ago, Romans knew that something in the air around the marshy areas of Rome was making people sick and even killing them. 
Why is the world's most famous conservation activist so optimistic?

Once known simply as Congo and more recently (from 1971-1997) as Zaire, the Democratic Republic of Congo is a vast central African country of immense natural resources.
Have you ever wondered what a hero looks like?
When I think back on it, my first experience volunteering overseas kind of sucked. It's a long story, but the short version is that I showed up in Nepal thinking that I was going to save the world and found out that really I was on an adventure tour posing as a volunteer programme.
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