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Papaeliou Schools of Foreign Languages offers part time courses for inexperienced teachers from October to January. Trainees are introduced to foreign language teaching theory, methodology and in-class practice. Teachers who have successfully completed th ...

The mission of the IDS unit of Commonwealth Games Canada is to work in partnership to build leadership skills in, and enhance the capacity of, individuals, communities and nations, using the convening and transformative power of sport. IDS currently works ...

Each year UNIDIR offers a limited number of unpaid internships. Successful applicants are able to demonstrate a strong interest in disarmament, security, arms control, peace studies or related issues and have an understanding of and experience in research ...

Byron Language Development frequently has openings for well qualified teachers with a minimum of three teaching years experience and a smart, professional attitude and appearance.

For students or those looking for a change in career, Greenforce's work placements are the ideal option. Internship placements take place in Spain and Ecuador and are available in various fields including business, hospitality organizations, educational N ...

Exsportise has three centres situated in some of the most scenic areas of England. They vary in size and age range and cater for students from the ages of 10 -16 years. All students and staff live at the camps in single sex accommodation. Staff are respon ...

Dublin Internships arranges internships for international students. The internships provide students with work experience that is focused on their career goals, increases their skills, and enhances their resumes. Dublin Internships provides internships at ...

The Junior Professional Officer (JPO) Programme provides young professionals pursuing a career in development with hands-on experience in multi-lateral technical co-operation. JPOs are offered one year fixed term contracts which are normally renewed for a ...

AUCC, in partnership with the Center for International Mobility, offers young Canadians the opportunity for an internship in Finland. The programme is designed to provide international career-related work experiences that enhance trainees' chances of gain ...

At Richard Lewis Communications, positions often arise for teachers and business professionals interested in the field of language communications and cross-culture. Richard Lewis Communications is always interested in hearing from experienced teachers and ...

Jubail Industrial College (JIC) offers employment opportunities to qualified male instructors wishing to teach at the College. The offer of employment for the teaching staff JIC includes a basic salary, housing, return airfare, vacation, health care, end ...

The Junior Professional Programme (JPP) is a starting point for careers at the Inter-American Development Bank. The Bank has traditionally sought skills in areas such as economics, finance, engineering, business, management, law, education, health, and pu ...

Search Associates tries to match qualified teachers and interns with vacancies in international schools worldwide. Search Associates offers highly personalized attention to the candidates and schools accepted into the programme. Search Associates strives ...

The Haut-Lac Centre requires staff for each of the My Swiss Camp programmes. They are looking for energetic and enthusiastic staff to work with school groups from the UK and Ireland as well as children from all over the world. The student

In exchange for childcare in English, au pairs are treated as family members while they take advantage of cultural and educational opportunities. To help au pairs adapt better, this programme provides language support by combining studying in an establish ...

AustraLearn has study abroad opportunities in Australia, New Zealand, and the South Pacific at the college/university level. Students may study abroad for a semester or year or earn an entire degree at one of 30 major universities, participate in a study ...

Centro Venezolano Americano's (CVA) International Internship Programme enables foreign graduates coming from the United States and Canada to learn Spanish, get in touch with the Venezuelan ways and culture and also gain valuable teaching experience in a n ...

Connect-123 facilitates international internship and volunteer positions, linking students and graduates with hands-on learning opportunities in Argentina, China, Ireland, South Africa and Spain for personal and career development. We work across a wide r ...

GLS can arrange unpaid internships in Berlin. Participants must participate in at least a 4 week language course prior to beginning the internship. Internships are 6, 8 or 12 weeks long, and begin after participants finish their German course. Internship ...

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