CANADEM connects international agencies to Canadian experts. Established in 1996 with funding from the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs to respond to staffing requests from international peace operations, Canada's Civilian Reserve: --Manages a natio ...

MSF staff work at the forefront of emergency medical care for populations in need. As well as providing primary healthcare for people suffering from endemic diseases and neglect, MSF also performs surgery, rehabilitates hospitals and clinics, runs nutriti ...

Citylangues regularly recruits native-language teachers and from time to time course advisors. Those who wish to apply for a post with Citylangues should fill in the online form or send their CV with accompanying letter to Citylangues by email. Training i ...

UNAIDS grants internships to selected post-secondary students to allow them to participate in the work of UNAIDS and to enable them to deepen their knowledge and understanding of UNAIDS' goals, policies and activities. UNAIDS only proposes internship oppo ...

Global Service Corps offers volunteer programmes ranging from two to nine weeks in Thailand and Tanzania. Internship placements of nine weeks and more are available in the same countries. Projects include HIV/AIDS prevention, sustainable agriculture, inte ...

WHO's Internship Programme provides a wide range of opportunities for students to gain insight into the work of WHO. Every year a limited number of places for internships are available. Internships are available in a wide variety of areas related to the t ...

The UNIFEM Internship Programme offers a small group of outstanding graduate-level students the opportunity to acquire direct exposure to UNIFEM's work. It is designed to complement women's development-oriented studies with practical experience in various ...

Experience International provides creative, diverse, and challenging placements that fit each individual's needs and career goals. Placements can be arranged in agriculture, forestry, horticulture, fisheries, environmental education, parks, recreation, an ...

Each year UNIDIR offers a limited number of unpaid internships. Successful applicants are able to demonstrate a strong interest in disarmament, security, arms control, peace studies or related issues and have an understanding of and experience in research ...

In exchange for childcare in English, au pairs are treated as family members while they take advantage of cultural and educational opportunities. To help au pairs adapt better, this programme provides language support by combining studying in an establish ...

GRAVIS is a rural development charity working to empower communities in the remote but densely populated Thar Desert in Northern India. Our projects include water security in a region which receives rain on average only 7 days of the year; primary educati ...

Jubail Industrial College (JIC) offers employment opportunities to qualified male instructors wishing to teach at the College. The offer of employment for the teaching staff JIC includes a basic salary, housing, return airfare, vacation, health care, end ...

The United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) accepts a limited number of unpaid interns on an ad hoc basis. The objective of the internship programme is to enhance the educational experience of graduate and post-graduate ...

Search Associates tries to match qualified teachers and interns with vacancies in international schools worldwide. Search Associates offers highly personalized attention to the candidates and schools accepted into the programme. Search Associates strives ...

Skillshare International's vision is of a world without poverty, injustice and inequality where people, regardless of cultural, social and political divides, come together for mutual benefit, living in peaceful co-existence. Requests for development worke ...

Every Language, Every Culture, Everywhere, AmeriSpan Programs include Language immersion, Volunteer and Internship programs, College Study Abroad, SALUD Medical Spanish and Portuguese, Professional Development, Programs for Educators, Teenager Summer Abro ...

CYA offers semester, academic year, and summer programs. Courses are taught in English. Extensive on-site courses as well as study travel to main sites of Greece supplement lectures. Students live in apartments in central Athens and have weekends free to ...

Linguarama has a range of established and thriving language training centres in major cities across Europe. Due to growth and internal development they have vacancies arising at these centres throughout the year, particularly in early autumn. They are see ...

Working with Emergency means bringing specialized, free-of-charge medical assistance to victims of war and poverty. Beyond offering their professional expertise in daily work, on-the-field collaborators are asked to provide training and supervision to the ...

The programme is a year-long, paid, full-time professional development programme. Fellows participate fully in all organizational activities, working with experienced professionals in seeking practical solutions to population-related problems. This progra ...

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