is the site to unearth a huge range of seasonal jobs throughout the year in the agricultural and horticultural industries. They provide all the information job seekers need to have a financially and socially rewarding working holiday. All ...

Each summer the Inter-American Development Bank hires undergraduate students for a period of two to three months. During their employment, the students are placed in one of the departments or units of the Bank and are assigned primarily clerical and admin ...

Connect-123 facilitates international internship and volunteer positions, linking students and graduates with hands-on learning opportunities in Argentina, China, Ireland, South Africa and Spain for personal and career development. We work across a wide r ...

Every Language, Every Culture, Everywhere, AmeriSpan Programs include Language immersion, Volunteer and Internship programs, College Study Abroad, SALUD Medical Spanish and Portuguese, Professional Development, Programs for Educators, Teenager Summer Abro ...

The R J Cornish orchard offers seasonal jobs to fruit pickers. They provide good working conditions and work is generally available Monday to Friday with the strong possibility of Sunday work. Applications are welcome from people looking for seasonal work ...

UNAIDS grants internships to selected post-secondary students to allow them to participate in the work of UNAIDS and to enable them to deepen their knowledge and understanding of UNAIDS' goals, policies and activities. UNAIDS only proposes internship oppo ...

JobMonkey is a job board for seasonal workers to find jobs around the world. They are the summer, seasonal & year-round employment experts!

In exchange for childcare in English, au pairs are treated as family members while they take advantage of cultural and educational opportunities. To help au pairs adapt better, this programme provides language support by combining studying in an establish ...

The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) accepts interns from time to time on an ad hoc basis. The internships are open to graduate or post-graduate students, who have specialized in a field related to UNECE programmes of work, namely: en ...

The Student Guide Programme in France is an opportunity to travel, meet long-lasting friends, and teach people from around the world about Canadian history in both official languages. The programme is managed by Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC). Join other s ...

Scandinavian Au Pair Center is a placement agency that connects families with au pairs. During their stay as a family member in their host family au pairs will be required to take care of the child/children. They can work with younger children or school a ...

Placements in the hospitality industry, childcare or teaching positions. Cultural Embrace pre-arranges and guarantees your job offer prior to departure. Your local salary will be enough to pay for your basic expenses while living abroad. They also include ...

Easy Way Spain's highly organized job centre has contacts with hundreds of employers in the catering and restaurant business. They can guarantee three job interviews per week with the managers. Finding work in Madrid is a very individual thing. It depends ...

Butterfly et Papillon places participants of all nationalities in jobs as au pairs or interns in European organizations. As an au pair, participants integrate into a foreign family and take care of their children. This is a paid positions and will also ge ...

The Au-pair Programme is an international agreement for a young person to spend a period in a foreign country (with the aim of learning a language), living with a family, in which she will be treated like one of the same. For their part, the family want t ...

The objectives of the internship programme are: - To provide current students with important practical experience which complements their field of study, which at the same time will be of benefit to the UN offices to which the intern is assigned. - To pro ...

The work undertaken by interns depends on the requirements of the unit/office, and the intern's qualifications and interests. Most interns work on a project which will benefit both them and UNHCR, in fields such as refugee protection (legal), internationa ...

The Emerging Leaders for Governance and Communication (ELGC) programme promotes improved governance in developing countries through the use of information and communications technologies (ICTs).

Crewseekers offers postings for professional work on yachts that are looking for crew all around the world. Crewseekers helps both amateur and professional crew of all ages and experience levels who share a common and keen interest in sailing. Beginners a ...

Hôpital Albert Schweitzer (HAS) is an integrated rural health system and provides medical care and community health and development programmes for more than 300,000 impoverished people in the Artibonite Valley of central Haiti.

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