Countries: Argentina

Gap Activity Projects (GAP) is one of the oldest "gap year" organizations, with more than 30 year

Category Volunteer Abroad

ELAP arranges and prepares students for volunteer and occasional internship placements. Participants address the needs of a community abroad, while applying the lessons from the experience to their own personal growth. Experiential learning adds another d ...

Category Volunteer Abroad

Voluntario Global's balance of working and living in South America make it one of the most unique experiences around. Volunteers are able to enjoy first-hand the exciting Latin culture, learn Spanish and develop important skills for the future. All volunt ...

Category Volunteer Abroad

The Volunteer & Language programme is the ideal combination for those who want to immerse themselves in the culture and really get to know the people of the country they are visiting. The programme starts with a language course of 2 to 12 weeks, which is ...

Category Volunteer Abroad

Global Village volunteers work alongside families in need to build simple, decent, affordable homes in communities around the world. A Global Village trip can be a life changing experience for you, the community you visit, and the families whose lives are ...

Category Volunteer Abroad

Every Language, Every Culture, Everywhere, AmeriSpan Programs include Language immersion, Volunteer and Internship programs, College Study Abroad, SALUD Medical Spanish and Portuguese, Professional Development, Programs for Educators, Teenager Summer Abro ...

Category Volunteer Abroad

Through its affiliation with large voluntary service networks, Volunteers For Peace exchanges more than a thousand volunteers each year to help communities meet local needs and work toward the goals of the United Nations Millennium Declaration. All projec ...

Category Volunteer Abroad

AfID offers accountants from around the world the opportunity to use their skills to support a broad range of non-profit organisations globally. Volunteer assignments of between 2 weeks and 12 months, or longer permanent placements, form part of an ongoin ...

Volunteers for International Partnership (VIP) offers volunteer opportunities for individuals or groups to do international community service in health, social services, environment and education. Work with a rural development project, volunteer in a heal ...

Category Volunteer Abroad

The Intern Group is the leading provider of international internship programs in Latin America, Madrid And London. We are partners with some of the most prestigious organisations in the world: We regularly place interns in: • Celfin Capital/BTG Pactual (L ...

Category Volunteer Abroad

What are you doing this summer? Go Global! Are you looking for a meaningful opportunity? This summer take part in one of 11 different global volunteer opportunities through JDC Entwine's Multi-Week Jewish Service Corp. Assist youth at-risk, create educati ...

Category Volunteer Abroad

International Partnership for Service-Learning and Leadership (IPSL) programmes unite academic learning with volunteer service to the community. IPSL programs offer academic, credit-bearing courses combined with amazing service-learning opportunities in H ...

Category Volunteer Abroad

World Endeavors offers international internship, volunteer, and study abroad programs in 30 countries throughout the world. Since 2002, our organization has partnered with and brought meaningful experiential learning opportunities to countless univer ...

Category Volunteer Abroad

On an Earthwatch expedition, participants will be volunteering their time and energy to scientific field research or a conservation project in one of 50 countries around the world. Applicants don

Category Volunteer Abroad

MADRE sends Voyages with a Vision delegations to the communities of their sister organizations to gain a firsthand understanding of human rights struggles and facilitate an exchange of friendship and support between delegates and women and youth activists ...

Category Volunteer Abroad

In collaboration with local organizations, Institute for Field Research Expeditions (IFRE) presently offers volunteer and intern abroad programs in Nepal, India, Sri Lanka, China, Thailand, Peru, Costa Rica, Ghana, Kenya, South Africa and Tanzania. Their ...

Category Volunteer Abroad

Experiential Learning International (ELI) partners with local organizations to provide international volunteer placements in various fields including social work, education, conservation and health care. Placements include positions in schools, orphanages ...

Category Volunteer Abroad

Changing Worlds pride itself on the quality of their service to customers. Their placements are carefully designed to give volunteers a great experience in their chosen country. The placements are visited and monitored regularly by their overseas represen ...

Category Volunteer Abroad

Youth Action for Peace (YAP) organizes a great variety of activities to give young people the experience to learn and demonstrate peaceful living together with people from different cultures and to contribute to local community and peace development. Thei ...

Category Volunteer Abroad

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