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One Month: From Decision to Goodbye

Izzy Shen


What happens when a move abroad happens in fast forward?

"What? Where?"

"So quick? Have you got time to adjust?"

"Do you know the city? Do you even know anyone there?"

From leaving one of the most renowned international companies in London to starting a brand new position based in Shanghai, I gave myself a month's time. This juncture signifies a new chapter for me at 21-years-old, and my four stages of transition before landing:

Six weeks before departure

It all started with my passion for technology and curiosity for HCI (Human Computer Interactions).

"How to build an XR headset?" I searched on the Internet to start a personal project. Clicking through, I stumbled upon a highly technical video that led me to an intriguing platform known as Bilibili, a video-sharing platform company.

I reached out to a content creator seeking technical advice, and to my delight, our conversation extended to discuss the future potential of his products and the burgeoning excitement within the industry. Two people from completely different cultural and educational backgrounds found common ground on their shared passion. A few weeks later I booked a flight to Hangzhou, China, to meet him in person and that's where it all started. While exploring the south of China, I had the opportunity to be exposed to many ambitious young people like him from a variety backgrounds who are also sharing highly technical knowledge on Bilibili. A few days later, I had the opportunity to visit Bilibili’s offices, where I met all the great people there building this creative ecosystem, and decided to hand in my application.

March 23, 2024

Packing. Moving. Renting. It is an exciting and exhausting process. Within a week, I signed the working contract, cleared my London flat, negotiated a contract to rent a new place in Shanghai and booked my flights. After packing my life in one suitcase, it struck me that I've never prioritized making my surroundings truly comfortable. Perhaps it's been a subconscious effort to avoid getting too content, a lifestyle I've long questioned. However, what better time to experiment with a nomadic lifestyle than in my early 20s.

April 1, 2024

After finishing my last day at work, I chose to spend two weeks travelling around Europe, granting myself the invaluable gift of time to explore, reflect, and simply breathe.

Sitting on the beach in Nice, my friend asked me if I were ever scared of changing. After a prolonged silence. I said ‘Yes I am.’ It's a sensation of adrenaline coursing through the brain and a churn in the stomach, anxious to uncover an answer.

With all the factors unknown, the only thing I can rely on is my own principles. These principles, developed unconsciously since the age of 12 when my family relocated to the United Kingdom, serve as a compass for embracing change and confronting challenges. If a 12-year-old girl could learn English from scratch and fight for her education and beliefs, what has changed now that she is 21 years old? Therefore, my plan is to embrace my fear, as it motivates me to continuously adapt and discover who I am.

April 17, 2024

While it may appear unusual to depart from my comfortable life in London, I aspire to be an active decision-maker. Rather than waiting for opportunities to come passively, I aim to cultivate my own opinions, even if they diverge from the mainstream. Therefore, before I embark on this journey, I wish to answer questions from the beginning.

"What? Where?"
"To Shanghai."

"So quick? Have you got time to adjust?’
"Lets see, haven’t yet tested the limit, but I think I will be fine."

"Do you know the city? Do you even know anyone there?"
"Nope, but I will."

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Izzy Shen

Izzy Shen is a 22-year-old who is passionate about exploring innovative methods in solving societal issues at different scales. After graduating from UCL, and having lived and worked in London for the past 10 years, she is currently working in Shanghai as Product Operations at Bilibili while exploring VR products to help patients with dementia.

Website: https://www.instagram.com/pseu_doscientist

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